OK - this may be one of the most complete Kreg Systainer build outs to date.

Focusing on the Systainers first. There is a Systainer3 M 187 Sky Blue. The top handle was swapped out for a white one and the front handle was swapped for carmine red. Next the T-Loc Catch is two toned of red and white. The frosting on the cake, so to speak, adds the Kreg logo on the top and a custom printed card on the right card slot.

Now this is a two Systainer fitout. A Systainer3 Organizer M 89 in carmine red is fitted out with the blue handle and blue foam as well as a custom card.

For the interior, the Organizer is perfect for storing a variety of Kreg screws and a couple layout tools.

The Systainer contains the variety of Kregs items for pocket holes. Now, there is another item I’ve never seen before, a caddy was built from Systainer Store SYS-Insert plates. AND a Systainer3 handle is the carry portion of the caddy. The handle is even set up to collapse and extend for compact store. WHAT A NEAT IDEA!

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