NMEA 2000 Equipment Test Bed

NMEA 2000, Tester, Systainer3 M 187, Sapphire Blue

This is a NMEA 2000 network tester. Contained in a Systainer3 M 187, Sapphire Blue. NMEA 2000 is a CAN bus network primarily used to connect sensors and displays on boats. The systainer fitout enables the user to test NMEA 2000 equipment away from a boat.

The box holds a 12v power supply (top left) with a fuse block (middle right) on the positive side and a bus bar (middle left) on the negative side. The power supply feeds not only the NMEA 2000 network but can also be used to power devices being tested that don’t draw their power from the network.

The NMEA 2000 network (bottom) is a series of T connectors, a power cable, and a terminator on either end. These elements form the backbone of the network, off of which there is space for six NMEA 2000 components to be attached.

Finally, a NMEA 2000 display (top right) connects to the network. The display can display a wide range of NMEA 2000 messages and is helpful in troubleshooting.

3D-printed brackets were used to mount everything to a Systainer Store’s Custom Insert.

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