Storage-Box with Sockets

Fitout By Sys Tim

Storage-Box, Sockets, Ratchets

This is one fitout I’ve been wanting to improve on since I tossed these sockets and ratchet and accessories in a Storage-Box five years ago. Maybe I’ll have to move it up the priority list soon. The plan is to add foam and compartments for each accessory to make the organization clean and identify when I’ve left a tool behind.

Right now I like having all the adapters and parts close buy and then also sorted for drive size. The cantilevered design of Storage-Box makes it easy to access just what is needed for the job.

The Storage-Box is available in light grey and anthracite and can be found at Systainer Store.

This fitout by:

Tim Swieter

Sys Tim

Owner of Systainer Store

Build awesome things, with great people, have fun and make money! I run Systainer Store, which has been operating since 2018. I'm a business and strategy designer, an entrepreneur and a professional engineer. I've built SaaS and IOT businesses as well as rollercoasters, parades and fireworks shows.

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