Washington Spirit's Play of the Match Systainer

Trophy, Soccer, Sports

The Washington Spirit is a wommen’s pro soccer team based in Washington DC. This Systainer user joined the Spirit Squadron, a group that makes for an exciting atmosphere at every game. They wave flags, beat the drums and get the crowd chants going.

The Spirit Squadron developed a “Player of the Match” trophy. Each game an outstanding player is chosen and they get to sign the season trophy. They also get a smaller version to keep. The trophy is a “spirit”, that means it is ghost shapped. Ha!

Before each game the trophies are put on display at Audi Field.

The trophies travel to each game in a Systainer3 M 437 black that has been customized. On the outside colored strips were added. On the inside a variety of foam is fitted out to make traveling with the trophies a secure and worry free event. This systainer is sometime delivered by car and other times public transportation like bus or subway.

PK, the Spirit mascot even approves of Systainers! You can see a shot of Tara McKeown signing the trophy from when she won recently.

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