Mobile Workshop Setup for On-Site Installation

Fitout By rolling tones

Automotive, Car Detailing, Radar, SYS-RB Cart, SYS-Sort IV, Mobile, Site Installation

Need a radar installed in your vehicle? David is the go to guy! He comes to your site and performs the installation. Therefore he need to bring his set of tools neatly and professionally.

Check out these awesome pics detailing his setup. Oh yeah, it hides neatly away in his truck too with a pull out Decked unit.

Some of the items he has in this fitout: SYS-RB Cart SYS-Sort IV/3 Systainer Storage-Box Systainer³ Organizer Systainer³ ToolBag Systainer³ M and L

This fitout by:

rolling tones

“the Radar Guy”

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