This user is a Festool system guy for the majority of his tools. He also uses Makita Systainers for things such as brad nailers, regular trim routers, pin nailers, etc. Of course he has the Festool Domino and Domino XL.

Until just recently he used large systainers to house a variety of the tenons and dominos but found that it was taking up too much space in his organization scheme. So with the MINI-Systainer he changed up his game plan and now has one dedicated to each size of domino and biscuit.

He admits, “My extreme need for organization along with my obsessive compulsive desire to have order in chaos has driven me to systainers. It’s just the most efficient way for me to store tools and parts and pieces. Everything has a place and everything in its place.”

When the MINI-Systainer went on sale at Systainer Store, he quickly grabbed a load of them to complete this workshop fitout. Now his miter saw station is neatly organized with dominos and biscuits of all sizes.

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